3R's of Computer Vision: Recognition, Registration, Reconstruction
Registration at the Conference Centre
Welcome Drink and Dinner Rendezvous at "Rosa dei Venti" (Village Reception)
Opening and Overview
Lecture 1 (Part One): Jan Koenderink
Coffee break
Lecture 1 (Part Two): Jan Koenderink
Lecture 2: Graham Finlayson
Student Poster Session (Poster N° 1-42)
Lecture 3: Jitendra Malik
Coffee Break
Lecture 4: Deva Ramanan
Lecture 5: Amnon Shashua
Student Poster Session (Poster N° 43-84)
Lecture 6: Andrew Davison
Lecture 7: Michael Bronstein
Advanced Tutorial 1: Lourdes Agapito
Guided Tour to Ragusa Ibla and Sicilian traditional folk dance (Herbessus)
Social Dinner and Sicilian traditional folk dance (Herbessus)
Advanced Tutorial 2: Alberto Del Bimbo
Advanced Tutorial 3: Julia Schnabel
Advanced Tutorial 4: Daniel Rueckert
Advanced Tutorial 5: Marcello Pelillo
Reading Group: Stefano Soatto
Dinner at the Restaurant on the Beach
Party on the Beach
Lecture 8: Francis Bach
Lecture 9:Rob Fergus
Lecture 10: Jitendra Malik
Student Presentations Best Presentation Prize & Scholarship The Brady Prize: Essay Competition
Closing Ceremony
Closing Party at Swimming Pool